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Curb Appeal

Preparing Your Home for Sale in 2023

It’s no secret that the market has changed recently, with the increased interest rates.  While some want to call this a crash, it is anything but that.  Home values remain high, and while situations have cooled, it hasn’t evaporated.  There are still very active and interested buyers.  We just don’t see homes selling in hours and at prices well above asking.  There are a few things that you need to be aware of as you prepare your home for sale in Q1 of 2023:

  • Buyers can take their time and can see multiple homes before making an offer now.
  • To sell quickly, you will have to make an informed decision about selling price.
  • Efforts to make your home “turnkey” will be rewarded in this market.
  • Buyers will be looking for concessions that they may have done without a few months ago.

Proper Positioning 

The first step will make sure that you are pricing your property properly for the market, so you are sure to get fast and genuine interest.  This begins with a market analysis to determine how your home compares to others that have recently sold in your area.  Based on the selling prices of comparable properties, we can determine a price range.  At the lowest end of that range, you could be confident that you would sell quickly.  At the higher end, you may have to wait longer, but would have more capital to pay off mortgages, invest in your new home, or pay off other debts at the time of sale.

Proper Preparation

Let’s talk curb appeal.  That’s where this step begins.  What does a potential buyer think when he or she pulls up to the curb? While residing the entire home may be out of reach for you, or entirely unnecessary, there are likely things you can do to dress up the front.  Maybe the porch rails need a new coat of paint, the garden could be weeded, light bulbs need replacing, or the driveway needs edging.  Even something as simple as refreshing the mulch around trees can make a big difference for a small investment.

Once you’ve addressed the outdoors, look inside.  Try to imagine yourself looking at the space as a buyer, not as someone with emotional ties to the space.  What can be improved – furniture placement, removing personal photos, cleaning area rugs, repainting walls, etc.?

Professional Partner

The biggest decision that you will make, as you prepare your home for sale, is choosing the professional who will back your listing.  Not all realtors are created equally.  Someone with real experience, many connections, an active list of buyers, and a willingness to partake in continuing education will serve you well.  Choose the right agent and you can get your home sold in the shortest time, for the highest price.